Marine Antifoul | Coppercoat Coppercoat
award winning
From small
sailing boats ...
... to the largest
Mega Yachts
Effective for improving
fuel economy
Realizing strong
industrial coating
Extraordinary durability
and high quality comparable
to any other product
Possible to
increase boat speed
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Multi Season Antifoul

Available to the public since 1991, Coppercoat is the most durable and long lasting anti-foul currently available. Millions of boat owners are in the habit of lifting and re-painting their boats each year – Coppercoat puts an end to this costly and time consuming exercise. This hard wearing, densely copper filled resin is protecting over 60,000 boats worldwide, with a single treatment commonly providing a high level of protection for a decade or more. Coppercoat is suitable for DIY or professional application, by roller or spray and can be used on all surfaces including GRP, iron, steel, wood and aluminium. To read some real-life experiences from Coppercoat users, click here.

The results of a 5 year anti-foul test are now in – and Coppercoat won!

The World renowned independent testing and research facility Plymouth Marine Laboratory Applications Ltd (with over 500 global partners) has recently published the results of their 5 year anti-foul trial. This process tested products from many of the major anti-foul manufacturers, and involved test panels attached to a frame anchored to the sea-bed of an area of high tidal flow. At the end of the trial the panels were checked for their performance, both in terms of anti-fouling (i.e. how clean they had remained) and their physical condition (i.e. how much of the original thickness had been lost).

To quote from the report: “After 60 months of testing, Coppercoat was the best performing coating.”

For more information, and to read the report, click here.